Safe Pharmacy

Anyone can experience domestic abuse and coercive control.  'Safe Pharmacy' is a new Irish Pharmacy Union-led initiative that will enable people facing this issue to receive support in their local pharmacy by offering access to a phone and contact details for local support services.  This enables the person to make that important call e.g. to a family member, local specialist domestic violence services or An Garda Síochána.  Pharmacies that sign-up to the initiative nominate a Safe Pharmacy Champion within their pharmacy.  The Champion can be a pharmacist, technician or an over-the-counter staff member.  Those experiencing domestic abuse and coercive control may have difficulty making contact safely with the support they need while they are at home.  Their movements and access to phones may be monitored and limited.  Pharmacies are ideally placed to provide a means to additional support.  They are located in all parts of Ireland, are accessible and used by all, and are a trusted part of communities - with highly trained, compassionate and discreet staff.  Find out more about this initiative at:  |