Men’s Health Symposium in Dublin - Call for Abstracts

You are invited to apply for a free place at a Men’s Health Symposium which will be held in Dr Steeven’s Hospital, Dublin, on Wednesday 30th November 2016.  The title of this event is ‘A New Chapter: Healthy Ireland - Men’.

This event will be used to launch the Action Plan which will succeed Ireland’s National Men’s Health Policy.  It will also offer delegates an opportunity to: hear about the background to and content of the ‘Healthy Ireland - Men’ Action Plan; participate in short workshops which highlight examples of effective practice throughout Ireland; discover local research into men’s health which is currently taking place; listen to an internationally recognised speaker on men’s health issues.

The organisers are inviting anyone involved in new men’s health and wellbeing research to submit a proposal which can be featured in a ‘3-in-3’ session; wherein each presenter will be asked to speak about their research for a maximum of three minutes using three PowerPoint slides for illustration.  This will then be followed by questions from the audience.  The closing date for abstract submissions is 5.00pm on Friday 28th October 2016.  Anyone who is not selected to present will be invited to attend and to put-up an A3 size poster on their work.

To book a place at this symposium, download, complete and return the Application Form to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   To find out more about submitting an abstract for the ‘3-in-3’ session see: Call for Abstracts or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.